Every last inch of Mark’s body ached, and he felt blood oozing in several spots. Sensed Alec nearby, also sucking in air to catch his breath. The darkness was complete-at least for his unadjusted eyes, after being out in the blinding sun. It was cool inside, and once the echo faded, the only thing Mark could hear was the sound of his own heavy breathing. It slammed shut with a thunderous boom that echoed off the dark walls of the Berg’s interior. It was a tight fit and Mark had to squirm and kick, but he finally squeezed through just in time, though he had to yank the sole of his shoe loose from the closing jaws of the hatch. He lost his grip, but Alec held him firmly, pulling him headfirst through the narrowing gap. Mark let go of the device just before he hit the sharp corner of the slowly rising hatch door, leaping to catch Alec’s hand and grab at the metal with his other. The metal slab of the door was only two or three feet from sealing shut. There was a whirring sound as the rope retracted into the device, yanking him to Alec, who had a hand outstretched.

He barreled through them, vaulting toward the hatch above, branches smacking him in the face. It clicked in and he shot upward just as his body swung into the thick foliage of the trees. Branches reached for him, and he tried again, pressing the device against his body for leverage, then pushing the button hard. He found the button, pressed it, but his fingers slipped. His peripheral vision showed more trees coming his way, the Berg dipping lower now so that there’d be no chance of his making it through.